By michael Smalley 111 13 years ago
Michigan 5449 views 3 comments
the one on the left is about 22 inches and 5 pounds. the one on the right is about 24 inchaes and 6 pounds.
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Originally Dropped by:
michael Smalley 111
13 years ago
Tags: hunting, -deer-hunting, -whitetails
Tags: deer-hunting, -thebigdeer, -whitetail-hunting
Woodrow W
Not familiar with dogfish. In South Georgia we catch blackfish or bowfin. Looks the same. Round tail. Prehistoric looking.Michael Potter
what do they taste like and were can i catch one at, thats awesome looking thingmichael Smalley 111
a bowfin and a dogfish are the same kind of fishi have not tried them to eat they live in lakes and rivers with a lot of bait fish. they eat about the same as a pike