michael Smalley    111



By 13 years ago

Michigan 5449 views 3 comments

the one on the left is about 22 inches and 5 pounds. the one on the right is about 24 inchaes and 6 pounds.


Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Not familiar with dogfish. In South Georgia we catch blackfish or bowfin. Looks the same. Round tail. Prehistoric looking.
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

what do they taste like and were can i catch one at, thats awesome looking thing
michael Smalley    111

michael Smalley 111

a bowfin and a dogfish are the same kind of fish
i have not tried them to eat they live in lakes and rivers with a lot of bait fish. they eat about the same as a pike
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mike s

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michael Smalley    111

michael Smalley 111

13 years ago

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