Source : http://www.petersenshunting.com/files/2011/09/P1013696.jpg
It wasn’t even an hour before the first wolf arrived, but this was my first time using night vision so I struggled to see the it through the scope. By the time the fourth wolf showed up I had it figured out, and when he stopped behind the bait I shot him in the front shoulder.
It was a bit low, but the shot broke the shoulder. Without even thinking I hit him with a follow-up shotgun shell and he dropped. We waited for the spotlight to arrive and went looking for him.
The big guy had moved from the spot where we last saw him, and it was impossible to see where he had gone in the tall grass. We decided to come back the next morning, and after a long night of waiting and wondering we found him near where he was last spotted.
He is a nice mature male wolf with ahuge body and head! There is risk for rabies in this area, so we can’t touch him without gloved hands, but his fur is beautiful and I couldn’t be happier! This wraps up my hunt with The Hunting Consortium here in Macedonia, so tonight we are going out to celebrate! Tomorrow I head to Turkey to hunt with Shikar Safaris for another two weeks so keep checking in there is a whole lot more hunting to come! (There might even be some fishing!)