Javier Ruiz


More Cats than Deer

By 12 years ago

Montana 7038 views 19 comments

This trail camera was set along a bean field almost got more cats than deer. This was in El Dorado Springs, MO.


Tyler Brown

Tyler Brown

I would handle this situation with my .30 .30
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

22 mag
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

There's no doubt these cats will end up killing a lot of fawns. You see it on game cameras all the time.
none of  your business

none of your business

All I see are $$$$$. Cat pelts go for a lot of money round here
Tom Crockett

Tom Crockett

not in season here, that would be a tough place to even just sit.
Fred Taylor

Fred Taylor

You lay in the prone position, in the beanfield. If camo is allowed for that type of hunting...easy-peasy.
Floyd Wood

Floyd Wood

Why do you dipshitz always think KILL? You're idiots. Bobcats have a place just as (unfortunately by LAW) YOU DO.
Floyd Wood

Floyd Wood

All you see is $$$$?? They'll kill alot of fawns? Good GOD men, get a FKin CLUE. And what will you do?? YOU WON'T THINK about it that's FOR SURE. You'll just attack ME. For my views. Go ahead. PROVE you're an idiot. Then look me up and say it to my face. Big bad killer....LOL! You'd have more fun trying to kiss these bobcat's ASS. PERIOD.
Patrick Todd Juzwiak

Patrick Todd Juzwiak

Well put Floyd
Timothy King

Timothy King

why do idiots like floyd and todd boy get on these sights if you dont like what we discuss or our comments go to disney world boys
Darrell Mora

Darrell Mora

Either way, they're damned sure beautiful...
Joe Mc

Joe Mc

.17 hmr all day
Anthony Bradley

Anthony Bradley

Floyd are u gay? Take ur meds man!! Lmbo. I tell u what u might ought to go live with the cats. Just don't walk under my deer stand. Moooohahahaha Muzzy Bad to the Bone!!!
Edward Bidiman

Edward Bidiman

i foresee a taxidermist making a ton of money making some great mounts in the near future.
Caleb Seeley

Caleb Seeley

lot of pelt money right there but i wouldnt shoot all of them maybe just half
Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis

floyd u r on a hunting site dumb ass thats what we do we enjoy watching it ,then we kill !! it !!daaaaaaa!!!! this isnt disney
Colt Ford

Colt Ford

id take them out for good then show them too floyd
Floyd Wood

Floyd Wood

You call me an idiot when half of you can't even SPELL. I see my proof half of you shouldn't even HAVE guns. Don't judge too quick partners. I'm a hunter too. I'm just smart enough to be a good steward of wildlife and don't think indescriminate killing is right. Every ecosystem has it's resident animals for a reason. It can be a balanced ecosystem or unbalanced or it can be barren and lifeless. Let me put it so even a numbnut redneck can understand: You kill all the rat snakes around your barn and guess what? It will be full of RATS next spring. Do you get it? And why is it in this country someone with a different opinion immediately starts getting attacked and called names...and in Anthony's case...he even threatens to shoot me. You're just proving your ignorance. And NO I'm not GAY. I suspect only a real homo would even be thinking that....
And I have been to college...so any of you Einstiens have a degree??
Matt Hoffpauir

Matt Hoffpauir

Why are they attacking and calling you names, Floyd? Perhaps it has something to do with the first line you wrote...something about calling them all "dipshitz" and "idiots" that need to "get a FKin CLUE." The eloquent mastery of language that you attained while in graduate school seems to be misunderstood by simple hunters like us.
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Javier Ruiz

Javier Ruiz

12 years ago



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