Eric Rogers


Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

By 12 years ago

7501 views 8 comments

Mother Nature is a powerful momma. This big buck just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


kylene donovan

kylene donovan

thats crazy!
Martha Holland

Martha Holland

Good find ,but to bad for the poor thing...:(
Mike Molinaro

Mike Molinaro

that's a pretty terrible way to die. obviously we can't see the rest of the tree limb but by the look of it, it wasn't heavy enough for an instant kill, that poor buck was probably stuck and laying there for days
Tyler Opdenaker

Tyler Opdenaker

Never want to see a nice one go out like that
Joe Mc

Joe Mc

its possible that the log landed on it like that,but not likely ,deer are usually very alert to sounds . Im guessing someone poached the deer and planned to pick it up at night and didnt come back , and put the log on top of him so coyotes didnt drag him away
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

"Wrong place at the wrong time" is the story of my life.
tom burgess

tom burgess

i bet it was probably a bad storm that came through and blew the limb down from the tree.
Jake Mills

Jake Mills

Looks like he couldn't bring his neck up because his brow tines were blocking it.....If it wasn't an impact kill.
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Dropped onto the board:

Strange and Odd

18 Drops

Originally Dropped by:

Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

12 years ago




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