Woodrow W


World Record Sheds.Nebraska.

By 12 years ago

4861 views 6 comments

Source : http://www.northamericanwhitetail.com/2003/04/25/biggest-shed-antlers-ever/

They call him The General. These antlers are actually sheds. They were placed in this mount after they were found. How would you like a shot at one like this?


Nick Melnyk

Nick Melnyk

It's a shame nobody harvested it.
Nick Melnyk

Nick Melnyk

Perfect symmetry and points, beautiful.
Frank Buypal

Frank Buypal

Why would someone put sheds on a mount?? It`s like counting a farm deer as a trophy
Jeff Bagley

Jeff Bagley

its cool they found both, this deer looks like its a big bruiser.
Floyd Bradley

Floyd Bradley

atleast its sheds that means that it might be walking still ?????????????
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

if he shed that means that he survived the season and gets to spread his genes another year
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