Woodrow W


Why would someone do this?

By 12 years ago

5650 views 11 comments

Source : http://www.outdoorlife.com/photos/gallery/hunting/2012/11/photos-worst-whitetai...

That is one ugly mount.


Austin Ball

Austin Ball

Ya, and the detail...well lol there is none
Josh Jorstad

Josh Jorstad

pretty ugly if you ask me
BillieJo Maynard

BillieJo Maynard

so they can put a microphone in front of him so it looks like hes singing.
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

i had my buck from a few years ago mounted in a similar way. i wanted him looking exactly like he was when i shot him. he was winding 2 does that were in estrous. and it looks great.
Brandon Frazier

Brandon Frazier

And what is the name of the taxidermist? Want to be sure I never go to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mrsdirt1952 Dworaczyk

mrsdirt1952 Dworaczyk

Not sure what he's suppose to be doing! I had one mounted that's turned to the side licking his neck, just for a different pose.
Jesse Pittman

Jesse Pittman

dont see whats so odd, just an open mouth. nice buck though
Austin Tuttle

Austin Tuttle

what is in his mouth
Leigh White

Leigh White

I'm 50/50 on this. The deer actually looks good, even the detail in the mouth is well done... the pose on the other hand is slightly awkward.
Dakota Cyrus

Dakota Cyrus

well he got a hold of a bad apple or acorn or he got in to the hot pepper patch......but yeah really nice buck
Don Wells

Don Wells

i have seen them like this before and i believe the doe iw either missing form the pic or it is to be added later then it will make sense
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Woodrow W

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