Will Alexander


What would you do?

By 12 years ago

13249 views 14 comments

What would you do in this situation? Would you let the moose loose?


Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

Hopefully all the trama from this doesn't kill it. They should be able to get here out.
Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

Look how red her eyes are from all the stress.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

How does this happen t begin with? Look's like they've already cut a few limbs.
Robert Grey

Robert Grey

contact fish and game and dispatch the poor thing
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

How in the world did she get up there.
Delmer Rigsby

Delmer Rigsby

Put her in the freezer, and get some good out of it all!!!!
Daniel Britt

Daniel Britt

Cant help but notice the boat....uncle donny boat hunting/ drinking extravagansa gone wrong.
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

sometimes i read all ur post and feel ya know nothing about deer or moos or any other wildlife out there...the tree is an apple tree..its so obvious that she strolled in to eat them for a snack...was up on her hind legs resting her fron legs on the branches and well she just had to have that blast apple and reached to far lost her footing and fell between the branches...and as far as resueing her goes they all need there asses kicked ...ya dont take an animal like this and have everyone standing in a circle shouting and laughing at the situation...they should had either darted her or put her down..ifen they had darted her they could had just cut the tree down and pulled the tree clear so she could just be on her way when the tranks wore off...that is ifen anyone there knew how to run a chain saw....there has been several photos out there of deer moos elk and other such animal..having died this way ...heck a few weeks ago a hunting partner and i were checking some posts on youtube of several nice bucks found dead and half eatin that were hun up in persiman trees and there were several bucks and one doe that fell backwards between the forks of hickory trees...check it out ..look at the whole picture befor ya just start thoughting ....oh ya see the green apples on the ground...not to mention the leaves .....
Charley Maynard

Charley Maynard

tranquilizer gun and an ax
Tylor Bellard

Tylor Bellard

thats meat in the freezer
mike frantz

mike frantz

well, judging by the placement of the boat , and the lack of water surrounding it, i'd have to say the moose was boating drunk and beached the boat..... punishment by cookout...... backstraps anyone?
Sherrie Gant

Sherrie Gant

Tranquilize her and cut the tree down then clear the area so she can go on her way when the drug wears off.
Terrell Frisby

Terrell Frisby

just cut the BOTTOM of the tree!
Joshua Penton

Joshua Penton

i say moose burgers with apple pie pie for dessert i mean why destroy a mature tree for a moose that more than likely already has internal damage
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Will Alexander

Will Alexander

12 years ago



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