Eric Rogers


Weird Whitetail Deer Hooves

By 13 years ago

8169 views 3 comments

A close up of these weird whitetail hooves.


Roy Burkhart III

Roy Burkhart III

I am going to assume this deer was killed in a sandy area, or one with very little rock ? am i correct ? this tends to happen when deer are in a location where there is little hard surface to grind there hoofs as they walk, we have killed several that had this problem in Refugio Texas, where the ground is almost all sandy.
Gordon Farrar

Gordon Farrar

actually check dr deer james krolls website it has nothing to do with soft ground it is due to a calcium and mineral problem with the deer and though not common 1 out of every 1000 whitetails have it
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

I think this deers a little light in his loafers if ya know what I mean. lol
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Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

13 years ago

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