David W


Tip 1

By 12 years ago

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When your stalking an animal and it is grazing, watch the mouth and make sure it is still grazing. Ruminant animals act like they are grazing when they see something that bothers them. The indication that you been seen is that their mouth is not moving, but they have their face in the grass. If you notice this, stay still till you see them start moving their mouth to eat. Dont move right away because if they saw you before they will see you again and if you move, the chances are that they will pick their head up and look at you then you have 5 to 10 seconds to shoot. Mainly the time depends on the animal and if they heard you or saw you. Inorder to start moving make sure you cant see the eye, if you cant see the eye, most likely the eye wont see you. Remember animals have good hearing each step you take may make them look at you.


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David W

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