Aaron P.


The Right Stuff on NBC Sports

By 12 years ago

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Source : http://www.scotthaugen.com/the-right-stuff-on-nbc-sports/

“Did you know “assault rifle” is a term created by anti-hunting groups, and AR does not stand for that?” I interrupted. “Nor does it stand for 'automatic rifle'. AR stands for ArmaLite, the company who created this style of gun. When ArmaLite sold to Colt in the late 1950s, the tag AR remained. AR-15, AR-50….they all stand for a make (AR-ArmaLite) and model (the number).”
“Wow, I didn’t know that,” noted the man. “Could you share this sort of information on the show? Better yet, would you be able to write the script for each episode?”


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