Alan Ralph Wheeler


The Bobcat Won

By 12 years ago

4880 views 2 comments

Bobcat. And a bad one at that!


Don Wells

Don Wells

by the look of that back leg i would say that the deer didn't have a fair shake ,,,, he was already dead he just didn't know it,,,,, might have already had a tangle with a car or something Oh yeh and that cat doesn't like you taking his pic
Jason Wallace

Jason Wallace

You know call me weird, and I LOVE dogs, but unless a wild cat (bobcat, lynx, cougar) is attacking me, I have no inclination to shoot one, but I want to kill just about every coyote and wolf... Don't want to kill any foxes either. I know weird, but that cat is freaking awesome and I've never seen a freaking awesome coyote.
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Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

12 years ago



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