T Glaser


Texas Buck Registry

By 12 years ago

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Texas Buck Registry is a statewide program to recognize the quality of deer being produced in Texas as a result of changing management practices, to create enthusiasm for deer and deer management in hunters and landowners, and also to be a record-keeping system to help monitor the progress within the state.

Imagine picking up an old photo album filled with pictures from every one of your hunts, all the way back to your first deer. Then imagine that same album included all the deer taken on your ranch / lease, your county, region and then the entire state of Texas. Add antler measurements, body weights and the ability to instantly share all this with friends and family and you’ve got the concept behind Texas Buck Registry.

Come check out the Facebook page (facebook.com/texasbuckregistry), and then check out the website at texasbuckregistry.com!


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T Glaser

T Glaser

12 years ago

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