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Taxidermy Done Right

By 12 years ago

4934 views 5 comments

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This is a wall I would love to have in my house. Who's with me on that?


john bartley

john bartley

yes its a nice wall i love looking at them but i am strickly a meat hunter, i only have a few antlers collected
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Somebody's been busy. All of these are nice bucks.
Mark Merkling

Mark Merkling

What an awesome wall! I'm with you John, hunt only for the meat, AND I made a pact with the wife that until I get my 'man room' there would be no mounted animals where she could see em. She's not against hunting, all 3 of our daughters hunt, shoot and love the outdoors, she just doesn't want to see em. LOL
Ben Rheubottom

Ben Rheubottom

my dream wall
Don Wells

Don Wells

yeh a dream wall but with the money on that wall i could build an awesome man cave but then have no money left for the wall mounts
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