Woodrow W


Squirrel Bow Hunt Video

By 12 years ago

5481 views 8 comments

Shootin up some food and spending some quality time with the family.


Rhia Justask

Rhia Justask

great video..funny..and she is soooo dang cute.
Brandon Frazier

Brandon Frazier

Yea thats a great idea. Let me strap my kid to my back and shoot arrows into the air!!!!! f***kin retard. thats child endangerment, you should be reported!!!!!
Jake Eddleston

Jake Eddleston

^ really......like really, prob seen him hugging a tree somewhere in this video too !


brandon obviously dont have any kids or dont hunt one of the 2 , as a father and a bow hunter , i see absolutely nothing wrong with this video out with the kid having a good time with a primitive weapon an a completely safe backpack i say heck yeah get out there more screw what he thinks !
Jeremy Albert

Jeremy Albert

Brandon, you should really think before you speak.. If anyone is a f***kin retard it would be u sir you ignorant arsehole. This man is spending wuality time with his child and has her in the SAFEST spot she could possibly be... Behind him at all times. Dont comment on things your little brain cant possibly comprehend.
Brandon Frazier

Brandon Frazier

I hunt and have 5 boys, and would never put them in this kind of situation, when idiots like this do these thing is when hunters get a bad name!!!!!! Kiss my A** if you disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brandon Frazier

Brandon Frazier

My 2 local Game wardens both back my comments, stating if they saw this they would ticket and and report him to CPS!!!!!
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Woodrow W

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