Vern Bullock


Squatch maby?

By 13 years ago

2446 views 5 comments

Can someone help me with this one?


Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Looks very gorilla shaped. Not sure where or when the photo was taken, but it appears to be very apelike. Large head, large forearms. Looks like a gorilla or someone in a good gorilla suit to me.
Vern Bullock

Vern Bullock

it was taken in Kentucky by a farmer he set out a game camera because he was seeing big deer tracks and it was taken dawn.
Jordan Wenkman

Jordan Wenkman

Bird flying at camera
Vern Bullock

Vern Bullock

the zoomed out pic has a feeder right in front of it and it is still massive
Jordan Wenkman

Jordan Wenkman

lets see it!
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Vern Bullock

Vern Bullock

13 years ago

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