Eric Rogers


Snake > Fish

By 13 years ago

11629 views 8 comments

It's not over till it's over but, it's almost over. I think the snake can manage from here. What do you think?


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

If he can get over the head he's got it.
Kelly Lewis

Kelly Lewis

What kind of snake is that?
bryan kelley

bryan kelley

why is a rattlesnake in the water trying to eat catfish? lol at least it looks like a rattler.
Joshua Nearhoof

Joshua Nearhoof

Catfish is done snake is toxic now weather it can get it all down idk but I wouldn't be surprised if it could
Kyle Smith

Kyle Smith

looks like a rattlesnake. that catfish is finished
Michael schroeder

Michael schroeder

I think the snake will have trouble when he gets to that top dorsel spike

Marty Little

Marty Little

That is a fish snake and it is fixing to be a full snake,Yes it's bite is painful but not very toxic at all..Just ask Turtle Man...LIVE ACTION..:)
Shella Palmer

Shella Palmer

Not a rattlesnake, but a water moccasin/cottonmouth in the south because inside it's mouth is white.

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Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

13 years ago

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