Brian Newman


Record Buck in the Hospital

By 13 years ago

7887 views 11 comments

This buck is getting nursed up after breaking his neck in a fence somewhere in Texas.


Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

The two drops tines on him are coming in handy while holding his head up.
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

That's too bad but they'll get him fixed up and back out there.
Nick McPherson

Nick McPherson

Thats awesome that it's going to make it. Gorgeous buck
Patrick Snell

Patrick Snell

That's crazy! I'd die to have a live buck like that!
James Page

James Page

I think I would put him in the freezer and mount the trophy...
Jerry Wiggins

Jerry Wiggins

That's a crazy kinda good thing to help out a record buck like that and get him back in action!
Justin Mathew

Justin Mathew

The things people do now a days, I hope she knows that this deer is either dead or really high on some drug because his eyes look it if its the second option that deer could be dangerous to have in a house like that, i'd never do that but if the things dead and it's just for a laugh well, to me that's funny.
Bill Robins

Bill Robins

As a game warden, my answer to such problems was always a bullet. Now, I look at it as to each his own. If they aren't wasting my tax dollars, have at it. On the up-side, look at all the good genes he will get to disseminate during this breeding season and the nice bucks that will be there for years to come b/c someone didn't "bag" this one, yet.
Deanna Jones

Deanna Jones

If it's not just staged for a photo or phot shopped, it's a breeder buck from a high fence... Would be interesting to know the real details.
AJ Capanear

AJ Capanear

ya, high fence buck for sure, i would like to here the story behind this guy. not a fan of high fence or rehabing a mature buck that hopefully gets shot soon lol
douglas bobbitt

douglas bobbitt

hate to have his doctor bill
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Brian Newman

Brian Newman

13 years ago

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