Source : http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fieldandstream.com/files/imageca...
I ran across this story. Seems that back in 2009 Manuba Kurita claimed to have caught this bass, 1 oz. over George Perry's world record. Tell me this isn't true. This guy dyes his hair. First Pearl Harbor, now this. Anyone know the real story?
Warrior Outdoors
According to some Internet chatter from California-based website calfishing.com, this bass, caught by angler Manabu Kurita, has already been certified as weighing 22 pounds, 5 ounces.The fish was supposedly taken from Lake Biwa in Japan, the same lake where a 25-pound bass was reportedly netted earlier this year.
But here's the potential hitch: George Perry's world-record bass weighed in at 22 pounds, 4 ounces. By IGFA rules, any fish under 25 pounds that is a contender for world-record status must top the current world record by two ounces. It seems all this bass may do is tie.
Warrior Outdoors
Here is a link to check out the current WRB. fieldandstream.com/articles/fishing/more-freshwater/2006/03/biggest-bass-ever