Zack Doyle


New Set-View Right

By 13 years ago

1587 views 3 comments

Here's the view from the new set along the field edge to the right. A steep decline to a creek is to the right even further. Been getting some great pictures along this edge.


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

Looks like a good spot. Some of my best spots don't have a great view. This does.
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

You know, my very best spots over the years don't have the best view, however, most of the spots I've killed my biggest bucks in have had long fields of view. Thats most likely due to hunting agricultural areas, lots of field edges, and ridge saddles in Ohio. On the other hand, I've killed quite a few bucks and countless does in thick areas. Those areas tend to be best for me during the pre-rut lull that most hunters experience after about the first week of archery season. I hunt deep thick areas during those times when bucks move little, or only at night.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

Good advice.
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Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

13 years ago




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