Stephanie McGillicky


My response to thinking pink cammo is sissy.

By 13 years ago

2021 views 3 comments

I am a woman, I hunt hard and can keep up with the boys any day, I've done it most of my life. I usually do early morning goose hunts with no coffee because God forbid I had to pee in the middle of a hunt. I take off my earings and wear a glove over my wedding ring _just in case they see the sparkle when the sun is shining just right. I own my own guns. At the risk of grossing anyone out I've planned many hunting trips secretly around "my cycle", I trained my own dog for upland and water fowl-she's damn good too. I don't whine and on purpose and I make sure that my cooking is so good that nobody will complain when I tag along at deer camp! I've sat in the pooring rain and hunted while the guys sat in the truck, ate dorritoes and drank Mountain dew because they've just had enough! ; and yes I've cried when I had to go home and back to the real world from a week up north in the bush. If thats being a sissy-guess I'm guilty. I had five brothers and three sisters growing up. The other girls don't hunt in my family and thats okay. I still bait my little sisters hook and take her fish off for her just so she will go fishing with me. (shes in her 20's) I don't own a single pink cammo object. My husband and I lovingly call ourselves and our three kids Team McGillicky. (I'd love to have shirts or something that say that one day :)) Believe it or not I used to somewhat agree with this guy. I thought women were "girling" it up and pink cammo was stupid (so did my husband) but before anyone comes looking for me I must say over the last few years I've changed my opinion. I have two daughters and have come to the realization that pink isn't about sissying up the sport its about showing everyone around you that you have pride and confidence reguardless of "being a woman participating in a mans sport." It's okay to love being feminine and love being a hunter. My daughters love it when they can display their femininity as well as their love for hunting without having to dress down and ducktape their boobs. I have been frowned upon many times for my love of hunting and fishing and the great outdoors (and thats putting it lightly) I've had other woman despise me because I get too excited when I talk about my hunting dog with the boys for hours on end while they sit idly by beautiful, but left out of the conversation. I guess they feel like I do when the guys talk cars-Clueless. Their is nothing wrong with women in pink and I'm not saying we are better hunters, but often we have more B.S. to deal with than men just to participate in the same sport so if we wanna wear pink to show how proud we are of ourselves -it sure as hell shouldn't bother anyone. I think it is about time for me to buy something pink cammo (prolly from Sassy Does) and send Spook a picture-because no matter how much anyone hates it..there have always been women hunters and there always will be-we aren't going anywhere and I'm guessing the pink cammo isn't either!


Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

Amen to that sister! My favorite color is green. BUT I intentionally get my fletchings pink, wear pink camo and even my boxing gloves are pink. I don't want anyone to look & say, "She's carrying her boyfriend's stuff". You're absolutely right about it being harder for women to love the outdoors. I don't get invited to the deer hunting camps because I'm a girl. I don't get invited to the Lake Erie fishing trip every year because I'm a girl. I do these things on my own, because I love it & no one can stop me. They can try,....but 1st let me put on my PINK boxing gloves! ;)
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

You ladies have my support.
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

You've got my vote.
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Stephanie McGillicky

Stephanie McGillicky

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