By Alan Ralph Wheeler 12 years ago
6676 views 7 comments
This is one way to avoid predators... other than myself.
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Originally Dropped by:
Alan Ralph Wheeler
12 years ago
Graphic Violence
Actively Promoting Self-Harm
Tags: deer-tag, -hunt-tag, -wildlife-tag,
Tags: deer-tag, -weapon-tag, -hunting-tag
Tags: ann-stokes-gray
Hunt Man
This is crazy.Nick McPherson
Is that a wall?John Jackson
AmazingWoodrow W
I've seen video of this on National Geographic. They can stand on a tiny space to avoid predators.Heath Boeddeker
Sure would make a mess after a fall from that heightRon Moore
i raze meat goats and let me tell ya there the most sure footed things iv ever seen and the show on nat geo where there standing on a sheer cliff last month ...the only preditor that gould get to them were or was the golden eagle thats a must seeJeremy Napier
That's awesome animals r amazing