Brian Newman


I Deer You

By 12 years ago

6682 views 8 comments

The world's smallest deer. It has to be right?


Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

That's a cool office pet.
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

be cool if he grew some antlers
Tanner Johnson

Tanner Johnson

It's a dik dik
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

I keep seeing stuff here I've never seen before.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Isn't that about the size of the last deer you killed Chuckles.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

You know I couldn't shoot anything that small Woodrow. My aim ain't that good.
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

where can i get one that has to be the cutest thing that i have ever seen
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Brian Newman

Brian Newman

12 years ago





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