Eric Rogers


Huge White Catfish

By 12 years ago

13738 views 16 comments

I wish I knew where this was caught and what specific species of catfish this is. Does anybody know?


Will Alexander

Will Alexander

That's an ugly fish. Make a lot of fish sandwiches.
Dakota cowham

Dakota cowham

dude, thats awsome
none of  your business

none of your business

I hate to ruin your fun, but I'm pretty sure thats fake.
Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

It's real. They're not that uncommon in many countries.
Josh Thompson

Josh Thompson

naw its not fake. ive seen albino catfish in ms. most of them are not naturaly white though they spend so much time in deep water where it is always dark and lose pigmentations in the skin.
Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan

Looks to be an albino Wells catfish.Most giants like that come from Spain and warmer southern Europe.
Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan

They are very aggressive and grow to giant sizes, 200+lbs easily!
none of  your business

none of your business

It could be, but it doesn't look like it has a dorsal fin. Also How could that guy even lift it that far out of the water from way back where hes a holdin' it?
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

a fish of that size body is proble 6 6 or 7 feet long and they have a very small dorsal fin, and there kind built like a tad pole or a eel
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

well i aint sure of what kind ofcat it is but i can tell ya it aint a wells cat..the mouth and the wiskers are shaped wrong and in the wrong location ...ifen ya look at the back ground id say its more likly to be a albino me kong giant then any other ...its got the rite look and such
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

but ya just never know its hard to tell by the way he has it elivated ...still would had been a great time
Derrick Schuldt

Derrick Schuldt

It obviously fake look at where the fin is at the water the is no water rings and by the arm you can see how its cropped in i really hate it when people do this and say its real
Grade Fowls

Grade Fowls

woah! that's monstrous!!!
Grace Parker

Grace Parker

well i ain't sure if it real or what kind it is but just imagine trying to grabble that thing out his hole 0_0
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Real. Spain is known for these things.
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Eric Rogers

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