Michael Robertson


Hawk with a Fish

By 13 years ago

4183 views 7 comments

Nice camera work here of this hawk landing a fish.


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

Got em' a carp
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Look at how deep those talons are in that fish. Owl kept stealing the fish out of my uncle's koi pond.
Mike Molinaro

Mike Molinaro

"we are approaching our destination sir. prepare to drop fish in 3. 2. 1. CARP AWAY!" i crack myself up sometimes lol
Dewayne Grace

Dewayne Grace

the carp is like holy cow im flying lol
Kenny Straight

Kenny Straight

Actually this is an Osprey not a hawk.....Just saying. STILL a GREAT pic.
Aric Strauch

Aric Strauch

you beat me to it Kenny!
Ian Brunson

Ian Brunson

the carps like "whoa man, i was swiming now im flying!"
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Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

13 years ago




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