Brian Newman


Girl or the Gun?

By 12 years ago

10467 views 10 comments

What's better. The girl or the gun?


Jeff Bagley

Jeff Bagley

theres a gun?
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

yeah and it's in my way
alexander nagel

alexander nagel

clearly the gun!


Where is the gun ?
Jake Eddleston

Jake Eddleston

Girl every time, they gun you can buy..... (guess women you can to but not what i mean)
Roby Montgomery

Roby Montgomery

we best like the gun while it's still legal.
Stjepan Carek

Stjepan Carek

Gun is OK, but girl is extra !:)
Don Brunk

Don Brunk

Girls shooting guns, it just don't get no better than that. And I'm all for cut off tops.
Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis

girl every time can always play with the little guns later!!!!!!!
Jonathan Purvis

Jonathan Purvis

why cant i have both????
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Girls and Guns

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Originally Dropped by:

Brian Newman

Brian Newman

12 years ago

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