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Not good at all

By 12 years ago

13719 views 17 comments

Source : wrecks/tsubaki3/Deer1CarCrash.jpg

What i want to know is why you would keep driving to a parking spot after you hit a deer with it hanging out like that?


matthew carlson

matthew carlson

haha especially considering it could have ben alive
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

Now for some mcdonalds.
Paul Carter

Paul Carter

Yeah, why are they not pulled over on the side of the road?
Jamie Grant

Jamie Grant

Mighta happened at the drive through
Kevin Brooks

Kevin Brooks

That must have been one powerful Big Mac attack to keep driving after that.
Kevin Kanz

Kevin Kanz

The fries were more important than the venison...
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

I think that is right outside of Williamsburg Va! I would not doubt it, they run dogs for deer like its no tomorrow!
Duane Berg

Duane Berg

No they went to Mac & Dons steak house to have some grilled vension
Tucker Epperson

Tucker Epperson

It's their new hood ornament!
Corey Stephens

Corey Stephens

cars make awesome weapons but are way more expensive than arrows to use :-)
Tyler Workman

Tyler Workman

is that a deer in my grill i thought it was just my stomach growlin i really need some mcdonalds
James Page

James Page

That's a lincoln for you.... he probably didn't even notice it...
Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

ummmmmmmm dinner comment if your county sheriff would let u keep it
Nathan Taylor

Nathan Taylor

once you get it out of that grill put it on the bbq grill.
Kiara Ashanti

Kiara Ashanti

well if you need your McDee's coffee I guess you dont stop
David Poggemoeller

David Poggemoeller

id have venison over mcd's any day!
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