By Woodrow W 12 years ago
3054 views 6 comments
The hunter tries to stay perfectly motionless while this giant elk stares him down. What would you do?
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63 Drops
Originally Dropped by:
Woodrow W
12 years ago
Graphic Violence
Actively Promoting Self-Harm
Tags: deer-tag, -hunt-tag, -wildlife-tag,
Tags: deer-tag, -weapon-tag, -hunting-tag
Tags: ann-stokes-gray
gator mcklusky
There is nothing you can do except hope he turns the other way or walks directly in front of you. I'll bet the elk could hear his heart beating.Paul Carter
I've sat motionless in a stand for a few minutes while a deer stood directly in front of me staring up. Never had anything this close on the ground. I would have been afraid that the elk would trample me.Alan Ralph Wheeler
Different story if this guy had a gun.Trophy Pictures
Incredible video. Every hunter has had to stay still, but I've never seen anything like this.chuckles norris
He would have had a better chance with a knife.chuckles norris
I'm not sure what I would do at that moment, but I'm sure I would be changing my pants shortly after.