Eric Rogers


Coyote Taking Down Full Grown Deer

By 13 years ago

7904 views 10 comments

This coyote problem is out of control. I wish they would stop going after deer and just focus on hogs.


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

Looks like a buck that just shed.
Paul Carter

Paul Carter

That's actually a pretty big buck.
Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

Not over yet. The buck will make it.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Don't know how this ended but I wouldn't pick a single coyote against a full grown buck.
Justin Mathew

Justin Mathew

yea but that bucks strongest weapon is his antlers and he sheded them, the coyote actually has a good chance
Derek Schwartzlow

Derek Schwartzlow can see the rabbit the coyote has in its mouth
Isaac Zakovec

Isaac Zakovec

wanna fight? lets stick your head up my butt and you can fight for air...
Kellie Grabher

Kellie Grabher

Yup I see the rabbit! Why would the coyote bite the deer right in the A$$hole? I would think that to be the least tastie part!
Derek Taussig

Derek Taussig

Thought it looked funny but yah photo shopped for sure.
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Eric Rogers

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