Source : http://www.gameandfishmag.com/2012/10/03/canadian-man-busted-for-antler-traffic...
With a court date set in October, he could face up to three years prison time and up to $150,000 in fines.
By Warrior Outdoors 12 years ago
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Source : http://www.gameandfishmag.com/2012/10/03/canadian-man-busted-for-antler-traffic...
With a court date set in October, he could face up to three years prison time and up to $150,000 in fines.
Caleb Seeley
glad they busted this bastard. pardon my frenchCarter Holliday
good finaly that C#@$T is out of our lives i hope they hang himKelly Lewis
Put him in jail for three years. No need to stoop to his level.Duane Berg
if you look most of them are mounts so he probably purchased them for resale running a garage it would him 20 years or more to poach that many deer/moose this is probably nothing more than goverment overkill i wish people would think before saying anythingCrystal Campbell
yeah, something just dont sound right... he may have even just went out to a road kill road to collect them.Brad Freeman-Pohl
Deer, Donations from friends, Collections off road kill... Sure maybe he poached some maybe he didnt... But its either a super old man who got arrested or he didnt illegally obtain all of those there is no way. If he did and hes young he should be offering guided hunts.Mordecai Jones
Perhaps you could get some more detail, about what he is charged with? Must be more than just possession of the antlers? Did they catch him offering to sell them, and is that illegal? How about the picture right below here, showing the happy man with the off-road vehicle and lots of antlers, "shed hunting" - will he be in for some imperial entanglements about that? Depends on where he is?Robert Bowman
Sounds to me like the guy was helping is neiborhood by buying mounts an sheds.By the looks of the collection doesnt look like he was selling them.Making this illegal is the Governments way of making more money an controling people its typical no matter why they say they make it illegal.I have friends that have shed collections that would make this look small.In my neck of the woods deer over population is a big problem we can take up to six deer in a season.One buck an the rest does.Again sounds like government over stepping its bounds.Lloyd Sheldon
Sure sounds like there's a lot more to the story than what we're getting...!!! If he's doing something illegal then fine him, not put him in jail so it costs tax payers $120,000 a year to keep him in prison. Something is missing in the info.Duane Berg
Yes everyone has made very great points i see something very wrong herejason mcleod
if there just sheds thats ok, if they were hunted leagaly by him or others or he purchest them no prob but if this is anouther one of those pricks that shoot them for the horns and waists the animal it self prosicute the asshole to the full extent of the law