William Baker



By 12 years ago

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I seen this moose while deer hunting. There is something definitely wrong with it because it just kept running up and down the road. He would run about 100 yards then turn around and run back. He would do this for hours at a time. He has a spike on one side and the other antler was recently broken off at the base but he had both of them a few weeks ago. I don't know if that has anyting to do with why it is acting so weird or if he has brainworm or something. Any thoughts?

PS. This picture was taken at about six feet.


Matthew Lichti

Matthew Lichti

That strip of hair on his back is a dead giveaway of brain worm! they way the get that is by consistently running and turning in the bush. they do it for no reason and continue to harm itself. i have come across one we followed in a bush it stayed on the trail and went around the big loop. but would always cut through the spring at the very same spot and get then back on the trail. it made the 4 km loop about 7 times before we stopped.
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William Baker

William Baker

12 years ago



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