Woodrow W


Big, big bear.

By 12 years ago

2431 views 4 comments

Source : http://www.outdoorsweekly.com/realornotreal.html

Look at the paws on this thing.


Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

They can run, climb and swim. I would want a bigger gun.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Even with a gun, that's a brave man.
Caleb Seeley

Caleb Seeley

damm thats a skinny bear either its old or got some sort of disease good for him for taking it out of the population
Jered Adams

Jered Adams

Caleb- It's not diseased. This bear is in it's summer coat, most bears you see on tv are in their winter coat. They lose so much hair that they appear to be thinner than before, plus he's burned most of the fat he stocked up on before going into hibernation the previous winter.
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Woodrow W

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