Eric Rogers


Bear Chair: A Chair Made of a Bear

By 12 years ago

4110 views 3 comments

I could just see me now. Sitting in this thing telling my wife to go crack some eggs and bring me a pint. She responds promptly and does a curtsy as she hands me a plate of perfectly prepared eagle eggs and a wooden goblet of frosty ale. Satisfied with my eggs, ale and service, I decide to let her know how truely special and dear she is to me by asking something like, "Did you fart, cause you blew me away." The flatulence, I mean flattery, casuses a single tear to run down her cheek...

Then I both wake up and pass out to a frying pan in the face. But let me tell you what... If I had this chair, I would be the man, even if it was in my own world.


Paul Carter

Paul Carter

Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

I'd love one of these. I'd surely feel like a king sitting in one.
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

I plan to make one of these… as soon as I find a 6 legged bear.
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Strange and Odd

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Originally Dropped by:

Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

12 years ago

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