Kyle Rawlings


Bad Taxidermy

By 12 years ago

16542 views 6 comments

Now this is one of the worst I've seen.


Nick Melnyk

Nick Melnyk

It looks like the god forsaken thing was stuffed with a log
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

that's bad
loren blakeman

loren blakeman

We got a guy up here in Sheridan , Wyo that may have turned out something like that!! Except he usually just swells up the necks on deer to the point they look like they have a small head!!!
thatcher morrison

thatcher morrison

everyone has to start some were you're no good at something when you start it it take practice
alexander nagel

alexander nagel

haha to funny, i love it!
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Bad Taxidermy

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Originally Dropped by:

Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

12 years ago

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