Paul Carter


A Deer Mystery Never Solved

By 13 years ago

36074 views 47 comments

This mystery has never been solved. This photo shows a 70-lb deer carcass 12 feet in the air in the crotch of a tree. It was discovered by hunters in upstate New York. Pathologic exam showed the deer had been killed by an arrow, but how its body wound up in the tree has never been elucidated. The location deep in the woods was not suggestive of a prank. Cougar???


Hunt Man

Hunt Man

That's wild. Who? How? What?
Mark Davison

Mark Davison

How could a cougar pull a 70 lb deer up a tree?
Philippe Renaud

Philippe Renaud

probably a lynx or a cougar...
Troy Walters

Troy Walters

Mark Davison

Mark Davison

They're stronger than I thought then.
Richard Hart

Richard Hart

very easily could a adult bobcat or mtn lion carry a deer 12 feet up no prob
Martha Holland

Martha Holland

I say it jumped up and got stuck there...
Mark Davison

Mark Davison

Bobcat? They don't even weigh 70 lb's themselves... Not saying you're wrong, just hard to believe.
kim clark

kim clark

could of been a cougar
Joel McGee

Joel McGee

A cougar, mountian lion or puma (same animal by the way) is the only animal in north America that does this or is even capable of doing this. A bear would have buried the carcass. Bobcats and lynx are not capable of climbing with a 70 lb animal as it would surely be twice their size. A male cougar can easily reach 200 lbs and definitely be strong enough.
Garrett Vowk

Garrett Vowk

Only one explanation for this........ Man bear pig!
Mike Mellon

Mike Mellon

could have been Sasquatch specialy if this was taken in upstate NY major hot spots for Bigfoot sightings especially around the white hall area
Daniel Britt

Daniel Britt

Santas offing his recruits again.
Arthur White

Arthur White

I agree with Joel. Cougars/mountain lions are being seen more in the New England states and if that was not the case to me this would be a mystery.
Nick Rodgers

Nick Rodgers

Jaguar we use too have them here in the u.s who say's there not back.
Christopher Burdette

Christopher Burdette

Well you could be right bout the cougar or maybe a hunter in a larger party tied the front legs with slip knot and stashed it in the tree A: cause he was waiting.! B: he already had his deer, stashed it and forgot where!
Chris Summerlin

Chris Summerlin

A cougar could do it no problem, they can carry there body weight up a tree! But there is no cougar dragging deer up trees in upstate N.Y. Do any of you stop and wonder why nobody ever shoots one, or gets a game camera pic of one. You have just as good of a chance of catching bigfoot! lol


there is no doubt in my mind that got put there by a mountain lion ,, if u think it couldnt do it ya dont no anything about cougars ,, that is exactly what they do bury it with leaves or drag it into a tree
Justin Mathew

Justin Mathew

what kinda deer is only 70lbs? But yea i gotta say prolly a mountain lion or something
Ian Brunson

Ian Brunson

big foot
Rick Bridgeman

Rick Bridgeman

I vote cougar they can carry quite a bit up a tree..... but the fact there is no lipstick found on the deer does challenge my theory :D
Tim Maxim

Tim Maxim

Big predatory birds have also been known to do this. the condor is one that could possibly haul something that size up a tree. My best guess is some people put it there so coyotes wouldn't get it and just never came back for it.
Asa Dupuis

Asa Dupuis

michael snowder

michael snowder

ya all this is what we do when we shoots one and have no tag after night we come back for it. we could not get it causs folks found it .
Trevor Rommelaere

Trevor Rommelaere

If the camera man looks behind him I bet he sees a cougar stocking him
Tim Maxim

Tim Maxim

Michael has the best idea of why its there.
Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis

i say its by railroad tracks and got hit by a train and thrown up there buddy works for rr and says it happens all the tim
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

leprechaun man. I want the gold
Jeff Bagley

Jeff Bagley

ive heard of hawks carrying small deer but a 70 lber has to be a cougar
Jeff Bagley

Jeff Bagley

also the snow level may have been higher when it was put there so it could be 6 feet vs 12 feet
Jake Eddleston

Jake Eddleston

cougar no problem could do this, think tigers pull wildabeasts around, and leapords can do this with big ass animals too !
Milly Graves

Milly Graves

That photo is old i remember seeing it on an unexplained stuff
david stillo

david stillo

chris i wouldn't joke about a cougar being in new got killed in indiana recently,they have expanded thier territory and hunting grounds,we have has cougars here most of the summer and also some wolves in sd...the only animal that could carry that deer that far into a tree is a cougar and i don't think you have gold eagles there in new york and i'm not even sure if golden eagle would be strong enough to lift it that high ,that would be about the only animals i can think of that would be able to do that with a deer..
david stillo

david stillo

probabky some hunter laughing his butt off at all of us who put it there as a
Mike Stratton

Mike Stratton

Probably a cougar the took a 150 pound cow and put it 13' up a pine tree hanging on a branch
Mike Stratton

Mike Stratton

Because the hunter couldn't find it or had it taken from the hunter
Jesse Hawryliw

Jesse Hawryliw

there can only be one explaination. Santa crashed.
Antoine Guénette

Antoine Guénette

Wolverine do that and even tho thyey aint too big they sure strong enough
VenaticFanatics .com

VenaticFanatics .com

I'm going to say a Bald Eagle. With a wingspan potentially reaching 8 ft... a 70lb deer would be no problem. If this was a Mountain Lion or Cougar... after all that work dragging it up the tree, it would have eaten it. If my assumption is correct, the eagle could have easily dropped it and never went back for it.
Deanna Jones

Deanna Jones

Do we know if it had been gutted or not? If gutted, the idea of hiding the deer there while the poacher went to get a tag.
Chris Summerlin

Chris Summerlin

Someone not something put it there. Some jerk with too much time playing a joke on a hunting buddy!
Matthew Fee

Matthew Fee

It's one of Santa's deer that crash landed!
Chance Riddle

Chance Riddle

Either a mountain lion, or even a large vulture or hawk. It's very rare, but not unheard of
William Andrews

William Andrews

Chris Summerlin is right... So far as anyone knows officially. I've heard the stories for decades about cougar in NY State, but the DEC refuses to acknowledge the existence of any here. I know two law enforcement officers who were parked on state land awaiting training when they both claim to have seen TWO cougar. Wyoming County, NY. For what it's worth.
Lonnie Cox

Lonnie Cox

Big foot
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Paul Carter

Paul Carter

13 years ago




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