Joshua Nearhoof


ohio buck

By 12 years ago

1399 views 5 comments

not the biggest but it was getting down to the wire but im still proud of him


Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

bigger than any of my bucks. but then again i have just started letting the little guys walk ;)
Joshua Nearhoof

Joshua Nearhoof

lol yea there was a time id shoot anything but ive decided to go after more mature deer funny thing is not 30sec after shooting this deer i had a 150s 160s ten pt walk 15 yards and stop broadside and lick my arrow i just shot this guy with lol o well hey good luck to ya this fall
Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson

Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I bet you can't guess who had to help him drag it up that huge hill behind him...
Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

We could have hopped on its' back and rode mine downhill to the truck, but we had to drag his 300 yards up that. Thats what friends are for
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Joshua Nearhoof

Joshua Nearhoof

12 years ago

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