Randy Wildasin


2010 5 year old

By 13 years ago

Pa 1770 views 0 comments

Source : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1436491919267

Took off the first week of turkey season in PA and went north to the camp and a friends house to pursue a long beard. My buddy killed his on the opening day and so we were working the little fellas over with him being the caller. We worked hard the first 2 days and had some success but no kills as of yet. On Wednesday we made a new game plan and went high on a ridge to listen for gobbles. We heard one start up in the bottom and we raced to get into position before he came off the roost. We got setup and started calling and were getting answered pretty good. The tom came down and was strutting towards us when the real thing came out of the tree line and must have been a sweeter talker as he forgot about us and headed away with her. We made the decision to head out to a point where my buddy has killed a few late day birds looking for love. We setup and called every 15 minutes. It started to get late in the morning and you had to be out by noon so we were feeling the pressure pretty much just enjoying the day and thinking today was not the day. Then just when we started to talk a little and joke around a tom gobbled out in the field to our right. We could not see him and Greggy started talking to him but we got no response. We waited and called every couple minutes. Then 15 mins later just when we thought he went somewhere else here he came full strut showing off for the decoys. I had to wait until he got to 25 yards before I could get a shot and put him down. Turned out to be a 5 year old with 1 1/4 spurs and 10 3/4 inch beard. He was a little beat up but you could tell he was a warrior.


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Turkey Time

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Randy Wildasin

Randy Wildasin

13 years ago

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