Woodrow W


Gobbler Beard Mounts.

By 12 years ago

5011 views 5 comments

Source : http://www.outdoorlife.com/photos/gallery/diy/2010/05/diy-beard-mounts?photo=18

Using shotgun shells to mount your trophy beards.


Tim Mitchell

Tim Mitchell

not liking
chuckles norris

chuckles norris

That's one of the tackiest things I've ever seen Woodrow. You don't wear these things to church do you?
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Not since I saw your wife wearing these as a necklace Chuckles.
Bill Maderos

Bill Maderos

Looks better if you cut the brass off and hot glue the beard inside it. Been doin it that way for years
Teddi Smith

Teddi Smith

You use the brass part and mount the beard inside it. However, use ones that are without the primer. As my husband found out the primer will ignite even if depressed from the opposite side, and he lost part of his finger. Yes it was dumb. He didn't want to wait to order any. Lol
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Woodrow W

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