Matthew Lichti


should i take him. or wait for the bigger one?

By 12 years ago

1792 views 7 comments

i know there is a bigger buck in the area. plug i have two tags! so should i take this one and the bigger one?


Marcus Avant

Marcus Avant

In the end that's up to you but there's no doubt he'll be bigger each year you let him grow if no one else get's him. I would let him walk for sure.
Matthew Lichti

Matthew Lichti

this bush is only a 120 acre bush and is pushed with dogs twice a season. i'm lucky enough to get in there with the bow. i assume the southern ontario hunting is nothing like Iowa hunting..i also hunt mainly for the meat to feed my family!
Marcus Avant

Marcus Avant

get em!
john bartley

john bartley

if you are a meat hunter you put food on the table! take what you can and leave something behind
kori coro

kori coro

take em for the meat


I get my meet first .. then I go for the horns .. did you get this one ??
Matthew Lichti

Matthew Lichti

i got my meat fromt he shotgun hunt now to find a trophie
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Matthew Lichti

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