Bill Copus


One more year?

By 13 years ago

Wisconsin 1580 views 2 comments

One more year or shoot him with the bow?


Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

Its really difficult to say with this particular picture. I can't get a real great look at his body, but my first instinct tells me he's only a 3 year old, but could even still be 2. If you've got a large piece of ground with good food sources, and you have the pull to keep him there, I'd let him go another year. Here in Pa, he's dead. I think next year you'll see those G5s emerge, splits on both G2s, and more tine length overall. He has the potential to hit the 150s with some time. Give him at least a year.
Ryan Kulinski

Ryan Kulinski

agree with zack, whats his brother in the back look like lol?
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Bill Copus

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