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Incredible Trail Cam Capture of Bow Shot

By 13 years ago

35366 views 17 comments

This is the coolest trail camera photo I've seen all year. Hands down.


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Once in a lifetime photo.
Will Alexander

Will Alexander

That's incredible.
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

Yep. Awesome.
KJ Wilson

KJ Wilson

Will you stole my words!
Derek Taussig

Derek Taussig

That's so awesome! I didn't see the stand at first makes it even cooler!
Tyler Coleman

Tyler Coleman

sweet shot and a nice pic..thats a doe to be remembered lol


woow....nise ... very nise..
Abby Speicher

Abby Speicher

EPIC!! Love it!!
Jake Mills

Jake Mills

Michael Paige

Michael Paige

does no one else realize were that shot is? thats a horrible shot they shouldve waited for her to turn broad side
Jason Couture

Jason Couture

Look at the pic b4 you start giving advice Michael, its the arrow exiting the deer, the shot placement was fine.
larry williams

larry williams

Nice pic!!!
Terry Alston

Terry Alston

Whoa! It should be in a magazine.
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