Craig  Corwin


Weird deer

By 12 years ago

1749 views 5 comments

So this deer is coming in on our game cam and I was wondering whats wrong with its rear end?


Derek Taussig

Derek Taussig

Looks like warts or HPV or something. Kill it out quick!
Priscilla StandageMilligan

Priscilla StandageMilligan

get it out as soon as possible... warts
Craig  Corwin

Craig Corwin

We hunt In a area where you can only shoot bucks with atleast 3 horns on one side so cant really kill it.
Derek Taussig

Derek Taussig

Call your local game warden and they will let you and probably dispose of it for you. Its infectious and will spread if not controlled.
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Dropped onto the board:

small deer

1 Drop

Originally Dropped by:

Craig  Corwin

Craig Corwin

12 years ago



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