Dylan Lewis


fire and elk

By 12 years ago

5676 views 8 comments

elk taking refuge from the flames in the river!


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Unreal photo.
Dylan Lewis

Dylan Lewis

its basically one of the most breathe taking pictures ive seen in years
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

Awesome photo.
Robin Wilson

Robin Wilson

iF IT WASN'T SUCH A TRADEGY, it would be an awesome picture( not that it's not!!) I agree with most of the comments!! where are they to go??
BaptisteDreamer Lambert

BaptisteDreamer Lambert

where was this damn no elk hunting this year
Brad Maguire

Brad Maguire

That was on the clear creek fire in Montana back in the summer of 2000 I believe. I was actually there and saw the pic the next day and have seen it several times since then on the internet!!
Dylan Lewis

Dylan Lewis

i am 99% sure it was where brad said it was. im not certain though. i found it while flipping through phtots on a webpage and thought it was worth sharing!
Phyllis Drier

Phyllis Drier

awesome picture!
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Dylan Lewis

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