Eric Rogers


Deer Wouldn't Stand a Chance

By 12 years ago

Oklahoma 17419 views 21 comments

This was in Oklahoma. Deer wouldn't stand a chance.


Mike Diggs

Mike Diggs

according to Arkansas game & fish we don't have them here so I'd shoot it
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

i think i would learn to how to trap those things if there was one on my farm
Jeremy Griffin

Jeremy Griffin

Eric what part of Oklahoma
Audra Goss

Audra Goss

@Mike, they say the same thing about AL, but I know we have them.
Duane Robinson

Duane Robinson

We see cougars often here in BC. They keep pretty much to themselves.
Robin Coward

Robin Coward

that is one of my two fears in life.. They don't attack from the front. it is either from above or behind!!
Brett Kauffman

Brett Kauffman

Well the Pa. Game Commission says we don't have them so I guess I would drop it on the spot if I saw it. Can't shoot something that is not here right?
jimmy rion

jimmy rion

I hope they are not where i will be hunting, if they are . i will introduce it to the win mag.
Jason Rosamond

Jason Rosamond

They say we dont have them in MS either but Ive seen two. Id drop it. It would make a great mount.
Brad Van Aken

Brad Van Aken

same ^^^ but in new york they are all over the place but still say that their are none of them so idk
Simon Alex

Simon Alex

nj fish and game says they dont live here either, but ive seen two in north nj. take em down!
Ed Vaughan Hunting Service

Ed Vaughan Hunting Service

Audra I've never seen one, but I saw a track I thought might have been from one. Too bad they're illegal to shoot here in AL, which is weird since they aren't even supposed to live here.
Timothy King

Timothy King

the dnr for all states must go to the same school to learn how to lie mich dnr same say we dont have them just like the wolves lol
Brandi Hager

Brandi Hager

As for them not being in Arkansas that is crap cause there is one right here where I live but there won't be long when I get a shot at it


^ nice kill em ! i plan on defending myself properly when i cross paths with one in missouri !
neil youngs

neil youngs

Kill It!
taya h

taya h

Here in Alberta they bring them in to control deer populations.
Jake Eddleston

Jake Eddleston

it's huge
david stillo

david stillo

we had over 100 reports of mountain lions this spring in southeastern corner of Sd when the missouri river flooded..the river is 3/4 of a mile behind our house,had a male and a big female around the size of the one in the pic spending the summer and my 16 year old son had a 8 foot away close encounter with the female after catfishing at 11 pm..only had a fishing net too..had to really scream at her to get her to run off,she was snarling and crouched in the tall grass in front of us..had alot of runins with her this summer and you know the dnr they have to see it with thier own eyes to believe anyone till about 5 other people seen her too,shes moved on now i know she had cubs could tell she was nursing when we saw her..even had 4 wolves come down by the river one night just before sundown and start howling,was cool being 200 feet away from them..
Jason Ferguson

Jason Ferguson

They say we haven't got any in Nova Scotia either. But it is illegal to shoot em.
gavin williams

gavin williams

man thats what u wana drop
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Eric Rogers

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