randy benzing


Catarac wi

By 13 years ago

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  • Catarac wi
  • Catarac wi
  • Catarac wi
  • Catarac wi
  • Catarac wi
  • Catarac wi
  • Catarac wi

Great hunting, used to have a lot of action but in past two years all we see are pictures.. then when we go out to hunt, there is nothing all day.


Zack Doyle

Zack Doyle

I'm assuming bobcat in the first picture? I hunted the far reaches of Northwest Wisconsin one time a few years back, and had a very close encounter with what I am almost positive was a lynx. They rarely come that far south from Canada, but sightings have been had every few years when the winter is harsh. The year before had record snowfall.
randy benzing

randy benzing

yeah, i cant truly tell either.. it might be. that was the first time i seen that.
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randy benzing

13 years ago

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