Alan Ralph Wheeler


You Just Pissed Off a Wolf, Now What?

By 13 years ago

9046 views 8 comments

He doesn't look happy. Someone should pet him to calm him down.


chuckles norris

chuckles norris

Depends on whether or I'm packing or not.
William Baker

William Baker

You shoot it, thats what.
Tim Maxim

Tim Maxim

haha Pet him to calm him down, If I came face to face w/ him I think I would have to just turn around,go back to camp and dig out my spare underwear.
Ron Moore

Ron Moore

well i would hope ifen ur in a place there apt ta be living i doubt ya would be un armed so id have to say make ur shot a good one ..ya could try scatching his ear but id favor doing it with a 357 mag ifen it were me
William Tice

William Tice

take a poop and smear it all over you... hopefully the smell will scare him away. hehe
Jakeb Gilbreath

Jakeb Gilbreath

he just neeeds a lil fiber thats all he been plugged up for a wile lol
Scott Rowland

Scott Rowland

Insanity wolf!!!!
Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis

first u say it then u do it ( o sh*******t)
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Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

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