Kelly Lewis


Wolf Challenging a Bear

By 13 years ago

10347 views 12 comments

This is a cool photo by photographer David Nilsson. He said there were several other bears at the scene, but they were scared off. All but two older male bears. The male alpha wolf challenged one of the remaining bears to a duel. The wolf made several charges at the bear and sometimes got assistance from other the members of the pack, the bear stood its ground.


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

That's an awesome photo.
Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Bear. There's no way one wolf takes down that bear.
Ashley Haut

Ashley Haut

that is soo awesome! Love the pic!
Mike Molinaro

Mike Molinaro

interesting match up, amazing photo! the bear definitely has the strength and size, however the wolf has speed, agility and intelligence over the bear, not to mention this is the alpha wolf, literally the top dog. honestly, i choose the wolf 7/10 times
Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

There's not much one wolf would be able to do against a bear.
Hunt Man

Hunt Man

Best one yet.
Kyle Rawlings

Kyle Rawlings

Wow. That's incredible.
Bryton De Beer

Bryton De Beer

this photo is so sweet i set as my screensaver!!
nic-j taylor

nic-j taylor

ive seen some cool photos but thats the best yet! loving it!
randy benzing

randy benzing

haha nice!! ^^
Jeff Bagley

Jeff Bagley

the bears probably thinking "I wonder what wolf tastes like"
Matt Cramp

Matt Cramp

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Kelly Lewis

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