Henry Phillips


Turkey Spur Accident

By 13 years ago

4020 views 3 comments

This guy went and picked up his bird before it was dead. Spur got him. Hopefully this will serve as a warning.


Woodrow W

Woodrow W

Wicked. I have two scars on the back of my hand from the front hoof of a deer.
Jerry Wiggins

Jerry Wiggins

Dang! Those spurs are wicked!
Jered Adams

Jered Adams

This happened to me when I grabbed an Osceola. Stuck me to the bone in the joint in my thumb. After calling all morning I didn't even realize I had been stuck until I got back to camp and noticed the blood dripping from my glove! Awesome hunt though, I did everything perfect, I'm 15 years old and called in two Osceola's in the first two days of the season. No one helped me. I scouted the area, did my calling and tagged out just like that. I'm hooked for life!
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Henry Phillips

Henry Phillips

13 years ago



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