Alan Ralph Wheeler


Strange Deer Injury

By 13 years ago

23546 views 15 comments

Apparently this deer was injured by a bow shot, but was able to survive for a long while with the arrow through his skin. Scar tissue grew around it, and I still don't understand how it came to look like this. Has anyone else ever seen anything like this?


Will Alexander

Will Alexander

Never. That's strange.
Brian Newman

Brian Newman

That's some nasty scar tissue.
Mark Davison

Mark Davison

Stomach looks full. That's a weird deer.
Robert Bowman

Robert Bowman

Looks like its packed with whatever the deer could put in it to stop the bleeding.I heard of deer doing this but never seen it.
Michael Potter

Michael Potter

i killed a hen turky a bunch of years ago that had a branch stuck in her crawl that did something like that, i bet it had a real bad smell to it didnt it

Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan

Sure wasn't shot with a RAGE broadhead! lol
Justin Ring

Justin Ring

damn kmart broadheads! lol
Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

Wow, thanks for the feedback. Packing the wound does seem to make sense.
Martha Holland

Martha Holland

Maybe it just lay in some stuff that just stuck in the wound and it just stayed there..probably lay in the same spot for a while..
David Poggemoeller

David Poggemoeller

yea was probally got shot ran off laid down to rest then got up and it didnt go throw any water to clean it out


They plug it up with mud
Austin Tuttle

Austin Tuttle

might be tobacco

Austin Tuttle

Austin Tuttle

cacelas has an arrow head and bullet that are really good but pushes outt all the food if it is fat
Jase Scalzo

Jase Scalzo

i shot a deer a year ago and it was the same thing but on the neck we found it was shot in the left leg the hole left front shoulder and brisket and neck were no good and rotten
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Weird Stuff

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Alan Ralph Wheeler

Alan Ralph Wheeler

13 years ago

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