If this doesn't make your stomach turn a little, you're tougher than I am. There's enough venom in this picture to kill us all.
If this doesn't make your stomach turn a little, you're tougher than I am. There's enough venom in this picture to kill us all.
Alan Ralph Wheeler
I'd throw a frag and run.Will Alexander
kill them allWoodrow W
Not usually afraid of snakes. This just gives me the creeps.chuckles norris
I've seen a bunch of moccasins piled up in a hollow log. Nothing like this.seth baker
Called a breeding ball they do that when a female is in seasonbryan kelley
i think im in love with this pic. i would catch every one of them. nothing like a big fat western diamond back rattler.David Decker
Can anyone says bar B queDallas Pfannenstiel
why do people say kill them god put on the earth for a reason for us to look at and admire not for us to kill them. im not a tree huger i do hunt and fish but when people say kill them its just not rightJim Bash
hell no dont frag em that is ALOT of money laying thereJim Bash
dallas they dont taste too bad either and the skins can and are used as well as the heads and rattlesJERRY HARTON
the people who say kill em are just scared of snakes .. like a woman !Bill Copus
my bucket list has, catch a rattle snake with bare hands.Ron Moore
BILL it aint hard ya just gotta trust yourself a bit more than you already do,for the rest of you all there aint nothing to fear but ur own stupidity ...did ya know the black mamba is the most deadlest snake out there? do you also know that 80% of the people who die from there bite is self inflicted ? this means someone has killed it and then in showing off such as whirling it around his or her head ends up not showing how brave they are but rather gets that DEAD snake stuck to the side of there neck by its fangs...rattle snakes are awesome ther pretty and there unique ..they were desined to let you know there there..i have never herd about anyone getting bit cause they herd the rattle only is it when they go looking for it do they get bit cause most of the times there eyes aint able to find them and thet aint the snakes fault..the rest of the time is cause there trying to catch them when there curled up..let him be a snake and when he starts to leave which most rattle snakes will do given enough time you can pick them up by there tail or there rattle if you will without getting bit..this typw of snake is so heavy it cant help but to go in a limp state and them you can bag them up ..they dont need killing lesson ur going to eat them...Bill Robins
Religiously speaking, God said there would always be enmity between mankind and snakes, as that is the form satan took. We are also to have dominion over the wild things, including eliminating those which are harmful to us (poisonous critters). In a secular way, I think rattler hatbands look nice and would really like to try some rattler BBQ. I admit I have a very strong respect (fear) of everything that slithers and know that they have a special niche. If it were in my front yard, it'd be toast. In the wild, he'd likely be able to go his own way.Charley Maynard
that is thousands of dollars right there shit catch the damn thing and sell the skins and eat the meat