chuckles norris


Rare Polar Bear Bow Hunt

By 12 years ago

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Here's what I know about polar bear hunting...

In Alaska - qualified native people are the only ones allowed to take a polar bear. It is difficult and dangerous to do - and - not many natives take advantage of the opportunity. Non-natives and non-residents can never hunt polar bears in Alaska.

In Canada, native guides are assigned a quota for polar bear by the dept of fish and game. They use hunting as a management tool - otherwise they would need to spend millions in tax dollars to control the polar bear population. A typical polar bear hunt costs $15,000 to $25,000 plus logistics. In 2008 the US passed a new law prohibiting the importation of polar bear hides and skulls - this totally decimated the Canadian natives who relied on US hunters and is causing an added expense for the Canadian government - who now must hire and pay government hunters to kill polar bears and dispose of the carcases. This is great example of 'feel good' legislation back firing and hurting both people and the polar bears. The local natives used to work with F&G - choosing which polar bears were harvested much like a rancher decides which aniamls go and which stay to make a better breeding population. Now they will be killed by a bounty system with no regard to age, sex, or size. Nice work US Democrates.

Polar bear meat is never eaten. The smell, once on a knife - will never come out. Just a teaspoon of the live will kill 5 white men - the amount of vitiamin A is so potent...... yet the locals can eat is as their systems have adapted.

So what do you think about polar bears? Should they be hunted or protected?


Eric Rogers

Eric Rogers

I would need to know more about the population to make that call.
Amy Simmons

Amy Simmons

Hunted in alaska
Calixto Villarreal

Calixto Villarreal

left aside alaska or canada, aren´t they endangered??

it´s beautiful though
Aaron P.

Aaron P.

I agree with Eric. It all depends on populations. I have to say that's a pretty bad photoshop job, unless the sun casts shadows in different directions up there.
Ben Clark

Ben Clark

I think that as a management tool hunting polar bear is fine. i do not agree with the fed. gov. saying you cant import an animal hide or parts that you took on in canada what is a state sponsored hunt. and im not really sure that polar bear populations are as low as they leed us to believe low yes. but i still believe it should be a hunt able importable animal.
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